“Our Vision is
to create an educated and empowered India.”

  Every human being has the heart to help an underprivileged child. When you want to be part of this great humanitarian cause, you can be part of ACO and help building the organization must stronger.

     The following are some ways where you can be a part of ACO.

Participating in ACO Events:

     ACO organizes different events like fund raising, collecting books from contributors, participating and conducting workshops for children, Share N Care and any other events that ACO organizes for helping the children.

Identifying Needy Children:

     ACO spends lot of time in identifying the needy children from many places. This task commands considerable amount of time as we need to travel to these locations, find out about these children from multiple sources, persuade the parents/guardians about the need of education and help them understand about Adopt Child Online concept and looking for available schools.

Joining children in schools:

     Travelling with the ACO team to identify good schools and joining the children in these schools. This also involves, requesting the director/principal to help these children for free education. In case if it doesn't work out then we need to request them to provide with concession. This may also include periodic visits to the schools and evaluating the situation of child's education.

ACO Web Design & Development:

     ACO reach is primarily through digital marketing. So, this involves very strong web layout in order to provide with very good first impression. Being a welfare organization, ACO cannot spend money on web design and development. So, we need volunteers who can help ACO with design and development of the website which can provide required transparency and attracts viewers to go through the website and understand the great work ACO is doing.